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Fatalities from carbon monoxide poisoning

A report published by the Gas Safety Trust has revealed a dramatic rise in the number of deaths resulting from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the UK since 2010.

In the 12-month period between 1st July 2010 and 30th June 2011 there were 50-recorded incidents involving CO poisoning. Of the 105 people involved in these incidents, there were 25 fatalities and 80 injuries without fatal consequences – over three times as many fatalities as were reported in 2010.

The report reveals that the public are still at risk from CO poisoning in rented accommodation at home and abroad, as both domestic landlords and holiday providers are failing to provide adequate safety certificates.

It also suggests that medical professionals are similarly unresponsive or unaware of the serious threat posed by carbon monoxide, by failing to diagnose symptoms correctly. Data for 2011 shows that when people exhibiting symptoms associated with CO poisoning sought medical help, only 1% were tested for this possibility.

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