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Inquiry terms of reference published following FAI

The Scottish Government has published terms of reference for an inquiry to be conducted by the Chief Inspector of Fire and Rescue Authorities. The independent inquiry will report to Ministers by 31st March 2012.

The inquiry was announced by the First Minister following the publication of a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) into the death of Allison Hume. Ms Hume died after falling down a disused mineshaft in Ayrshire.

The FAI, led by Sheriff Leslie, found that her death may have been avoided had a number of reasonable precautions been taken.

This Inquiry should review the manner in which Strathclyde Fire and Rescue is now carrying out its functions in relation to the issues raised in Sheriff Leslie’s report. It should review whether appropriate steps have been taken, or require to be taken, by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue and across the Scottish fire and rescue services to address the findings of the report, thereby minimising the likelihood of this kind of tragedy happening again.

In particular, the Inquiry will report on:

  • whether the policies, procedures and practice now in place in Strathclyde Fire and Rescue adequately address the issues raised in the Sheriff’s report;
  • whether the conclusions of the Sheriff’s report gives rise to concerns affecting wider emergency operational response arrangements in Strathclyde Fire and Rescue and if so the steps taken by it to address these;
  • whether the Sheriff’s findings have implications for the Scottish fire and rescue service as a whole; and an assessment of whether lessons have been learned; and
  • any other recommendations as to action which should be taken by the current eight Fire and Rescue Services and the proposed new single fire and rescue service.

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