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How Safe Are Scotland’s Roads?

Roads in Scotland are becoming safer, according to recently released statistics from Transport Scotland.

The statistics cover reported road accidents where one or more people were killed or injured in 2013. Although the figured are only provisional (final figures are due to be published later in the year), the majority of the findings are encouraging for Scottish road users.

Having falling by 10% to 11,493 between 2012 and 2013, the number of road casualties are now at their lowest recovered level. Of these 11,493 reported road casualties, the number of fatalities dropped by 3% from 178 to 172, serious injuries by 16% to 1,667 and minor injures by 9% to 9,654.

Modes of Transport

In terms of different modes of transport, from 2012-13:

  • The number of car related casualties fell by 9% to 6,960 – 89 of which were fatalities;
  • The number of pedestrian casualties dropped by 12% to 1,744 – 37 of which were fatalities;
  • The number of motorcycle casualties fell by 11% to 770 – including 23 fatalities;
  • The number of bicycle casualties decreased by 3% to 889 – of which 13 were fatalities; and
  • The number of bus / coach related casualties dropped by 11% to 394.


There were 1,062 child casualties (included 9 fatalities) reported in 2013 showing a 9% drop from 2012. Between 2012 and 2013, the number of casualties involving children under 5, increased by 6% to 193.

Men & Women

The number of male fatalities dropped by 8% to 120, while female fatalities increased by 4% to 52. The statistics also showed that 16% of all casualties involved 16–22 year olds, a drop of 18% between 2013 and 2013.

For more information about Transport Scotland or to view the provisional statistics please visit:

Road Traffic Accident Claims in Scotland

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident anywhere in Scotland, Lawford Kidd personal injury solicitors can help you claim 100% compensation on a no win no fee basis. We’ll also advise about your prospects of success free of charge. To get in touch, please complete our online enquiry form.

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