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Road Traffic Accidents: Glasgow Follows Edinburgh in Introduction of 20mph Zones

New 20mph zones have been introduced in Glasgow as the city follows Edinburgh’s lead in attempting to reduce the number of road traffic accidents and injuries to vulnerable road users.

Edinburgh announced that a speed limit would be put in place in some areas of the city centre in March 2015 and Glasgow has now introduced a similar speed policy in a number of “high-risk” areas.

The Glasgow 20mph area covers a number of danger areas for vulnerable road users covering much of the South bank of the Clyde. While the new speed limit will not be enforced by speed cameras, police will be monitoring the areas to make sure that the new limits are adhered to, with new warnings also in place for drivers. The decision to implement a new speed limit was approved following a six-week public consultation, with 69% of the respondents being in favour of introducing a significantly reduced speed limit.

A report into speeding in the area that would be covered by the new 20mph zone found that the average speed was 22.6 mph.

Elaine McDougall, the city council’s transport, environment and sustainability spokeswoman, said: “The primary motivation is to improve safety and make the city centre a better place to be.

“The number of people entering the city centre has risen significantly and by reducing the speed of vehicles we reduce the risk and severity of accidents. It will also contribute to a better city centre environment, smoother traffic flows and improved air quality and will be more encouraging for cyclists and pedestrians.”

Road Traffic Accidents: Speeding

According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), speeding is a factor in over 10% of all road traffic accidents and can be one of the major reasons for an accident occurring. Severe injuries are more common if a driver has been driving at high speeds or if driving at excessive speeds for the condition.

Figures from RoSPA show that in 2014, 282 people were killed due to travelling at excessive speeds with 126 fatalities occurring due to drivers travelling too fast for the conditions. Data from RoSPA shows that had there been a decrease of 1% in the average speed limits seen across the UK, the accident rate would have decreased by roughly 5%. The study also showed that those who drive 10%-15% over the speed limit are more likely to be involved in a road traffic accident and more likely to suffer from an injury.

While many have stated that the introduction of a 20mph zone is somewhat excessive, studies show that on average, more than a third of drivers frequently exceed a 30mph speed limit.  This is less likely in 20mph zones, which are often strictly enforced and serve as a way to protect vulnerable road users and limit the number of road traffic accidents.

Road Traffic Accidents: Making a Personal Injury Claim

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and have been injured through no fault of your own, you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim. Whether your injury was caused by excessive speeding or due to the recklessness of another, if you have been injured through no fault of your own, our team of personal injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Regardless of if you have suffered from whiplash, a serious head injury or any other type of ailment following a road traffic accident, we can help you get the compensation you rightfully deserve. To begin your personal injury claim, contact our team of no win, no fee solicitors using our online contact form, or call us on 0808 250 6314.

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