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Google’s Futuristic “Driverless Cars” Involved in 11 Crashes Since 2009

Google’s self-driving cars have been involved in at least eleven road accidents since they were introduced in 2009, however, according to the technology giants, the accidents have been a result of other drivers crashing into the smart cars.

According to Google, the vast majority of incidents have occurred when drivers hit the back of the smart cars when they stop. The figures come following the mainstream press in the United States criticising the cars.

Chris Urmson, the director of Google’s self-driving car programme said that there have been “11 minor accidents (light damage, no injuries) during 1.7 million miles of autonomous and manual driving with our safety drivers behind the wheel”.

Perhaps unsurprisingly according to the company director, the driverless vehicles have not been “the cause of the accident”. The vast majority of incidents has occurred at junctions or traffic lights, with some of the incidents occurring when the Google cars were being driven by people.

Driverless Cars

The Google driverless car scheme began in 2009 with the aim to make roads safer for drivers. Despite this Google have not released any of the information or reports about the crashes. Urman admitted that the cars are more likely to get hit when they become more widespread in an area. He wrote: “Even when our software and sensors can detect a sticky situation and take action earlier and faster than an alert human driver, sometimes we won’t be able to overcome the realities of speed and distance; sometimes we’ll get hit just waiting for a light to change.

“And that’s important context for communities with self-driving cars on their streets; although we wish we could avoid all accidents, some will be unavoidable.” 

Road Traffic Accidents

Despite the efforts of many companies to introduce driverless cars, including Google, road traffic accidents are still one of the most common causes of serious injury in the UK. This is often due to more vulnerable road users being on the road, and accidents occurring at high speeds. If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you have the right to make a compensation claim, even if you were a passenger. If your accident occurred in the last three years, you will be able to make a claim. Passengers are entitled to the same compensation as those driving and can often take action against either driver for negligence.

Cause of Road Traffic Accidents

Sadly, road traffic accidents are still common in the UK. According to the Department of Transportation, 42% of all road traffic accidents were a result of the driver failing to look properly, with four out of five accidents being a result of “driver error”. The government statistics state that at least 5% of all accidents were purely due to speeding, with 14% of fatal accidents linked to at least one road user speeding. Loss of control and high speeds were the main reason for fatal incidents. Many accidents occurred from drivers misjudging the road conditions despite going at the legal speed limit.

Regardless of what causes your road traffic accident, if you are not at fault, it is important that you take as much evidence as possible in order to build a successful claim.

What Do You Need To Make A Personal Injury Claim Following A Road Accident?

In order to make a claim, our team of solicitors will need as much evidence as possible. The more evidence you have, the more chance you have of obtaining compensation. If you are involved in an accident, try and note as many details as possible. Our solicitors will need to know basic details such as when and where the accident occurred. Other details such as who was involved and the registration and insurance details of the car will be required by our solicitors. At Lawford Kidd we will investigate your case in order to build a stronger claim for you, therefore we would ideally obtain the contact details of witnesses and those involved in the incident to cross reference their stories. If you obtain contact details but are unsure if they are correct, call the person at the time to ensure that the details are accurate.

While it is important that you obtain as many details as possible to make a claim, it is more important that you are safe following the incident. If you can obtain details in a safe manner then do so, however, do not risk your safety in order to try and get more details.

We believe that your safety is paramount, therefore if you have suffered any injury, even if it is a minor injury, you should seek the advice of medical staff. Not only will this allow you to have your injuries monitored and provide you with peace of mind, but it can also prove beneficial when making a personal injury claim. A medical report will verify your account and show the full extent of your injuries. This means that our solicitors do not need to show the extent of your injuries but prove that the injuries were sustained through no fault of your own.

What Can I Claim For: How Much Is My Claim Worth?

It is important to note that when making a claim you are not only claiming for the injuries sustained, but also the damages, whether it be a mental issue or damage to any property as a result of the accident. This means that you can claim for repairs to your vehicle and other aspects that can arise following an accident.

We know that no accident is alike, and therefore it can be difficult to accurately assess what your claim could be worth. However, our team of experienced personal injury lawyers will be able to inform you of what your claim is roughly worth and what you can expect when making a personal injury claim. We operate on a no win, no fee basis meaning that you do not pay for our legal services if we are unable to win you compensation for your accident and injuries.

Contact Us

To get in touch with our no win, no fee personal injury solicitors use our online contact form. Our team of lawyers will be able to use their wealth of knowledge and experience to get you the compensation you so richly deserve. If your life has been affected by an accident that was not your fault, it is your right to claim compensation and hold those responsible to account. Get in touch through our online contact form.

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