A stretch of the A92 near Newtonhill has become the subject of scrutiny after a number of incidents have got politicians wondering how no deaths have occurred on the road.
North Kincardine Councillor, Ian Mollison, as well as North East MSP, Mike Rumbles, have both raised the issue – with Cllr Mollison stating he was disappointed with the ‘complete lack of concern’ from both Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government.
Cllr Mollison said: “Far too many cars leave the road, cross the footpath and hit the banking, with some having gone through the fencing to end up in the gardens of houses in St Michael’s Road.
“It is remarkable no-one has been seriously injured or killed yet, given the number of times street lights have been knocked over and fences destroyed. Transport Scotland should at least investigate to see if there is a common cause.
Mr Rumbles, meanwhile, lodged a written question in parliament asking about what action is being taken to prevent future accidents and possible casualties of road users in light of recent accidents.
Road safety manager for the A92, Derek Williamson, responds to concerns by emphasising that road safety is of “paramount importance” to the Scottish Government, and that the road has not been identified as a site of concern following their annual safety review.
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