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Mesothelioma scare with small fibres made to toughen bike frames and hockey sticks

Small fibres which are made to toughen bike frames and hockey sticks have been identified as a possible cause of asbestos like cancer.  The carbon nanotubes which are used for strengthening tennis rackets and as a possible item for bullet proofing clothing have been found to cause harm in mice if the longer nanotubes become stuck in lung tissue.

Research done by Professor Ken Donaldson, Chair of the Respiratory Toxicology at Edinburgh University identified the asbestos type problem and he said “This research shows there is a potential hazard in the manufacture of certain types of carbon nanotubes.”

Mesothelioma is a very serious cancer of the lining of the lung caused by asbestos fibres lodging in the lung and the condition often remains dormant for twenty or thirty years.  Current government statistics reveal that the death rate from mesothelioma is likely to peak at 2040 around the year 2016.

Contact Lawford Kidd regarding mesothelioma claims

The industrial disease department of Lawford Kidd over a period of 30 years has recovered settlements up to £400,000 for asbestos mesothelioma victims.  We can advise you both on submitting a claim to former employers and also claiming compensation under the Pneumoconiosis Etc. (Workers Compensation) Act 1979 if your former employers have ceased trading.  The DSS have a free phone line for information 0800 279 2322.  You should also apply for industrial injuries disablement benefit in Scotland at 0845 608 8967.

You will need specialist help for mesothelioma claims as many employers are no longer trading and their insurance companies can be difficult to trace.  Lawford Kidd have a database of Scottish employers who are known to have worked with asbestos and against whom claims have previously succeeded.  We also have a database of those employers’ insurers.  You should contact us for free advice on 0800 027 1480.  Remember that you will keep 100% of your compensation.

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