Back, Chest & Spinal Injury Claims Scotland
We all know what it feels like to be laid up with a bad back. If someone else is to blame for your injuries, we can help. Our expert personal injury solicitors have helped our clients reclaim millions of pounds in compensation for back injury accidents suffered at work, on the road or at the fault of someone else. Read about our successful £4.5 million claim for our client following severe spinal cord injuries following a road traffic accident.
In order to claim for a back injury, you must be able to prove that your injury was suffered in the last 3 years and not your fault.
Trips, falls, workplace accidents or car accidents can all be a cause of back injuries, where the blame lies with a third party.
Back injuries can limit your abilities in the short term, and be very hard to treat. Even a common injury like a broken collarbone can cause prolonged pain in the shoulder blade or chest plate. Lengthy recovery periods can lead to loss of earnings, which you can claim for if the injury was not your fault.
A back injury can come with long-term problems too, from bladder issues to paralysis.
Compensation Values for Back, Chest & Spinal Injuries in Scotland
The following values can give you an idea of how much you may be entitled to claim in Scotland depending on your back, chest, spine, heart or rib injury. The amount you can claim reflects the type of injury, and how severe your injury is. The values listed below are for guidance only and these reflect only the ‘pain and suffering’ amount that a Court may award, not wage loss and other losses you could claim (see our compensation calculator page for an explanatory note of the types of damages in Scotland). You should also be aware that the value you may achieve will largely be dictated by the quality and experience of the solicitor dealing with your case.
Back Injury:
Paralysis Compensation:
Quadriplegia: £246,750 – £307,000
Paraplegia: £166,500 – £216,000
Psychological Injury:
In severe cases up to £76,500 will be given.
For minor psychological damage where there is temporary anxiety and between £3,000 tp £6,225;
Where there are on-going problems but a good prognosis the figure can be £6,225 tp £17,600.
Severe back injury compensation
Injuries of the most severe nature but which fall short of paralysis: £69,200 – £122,350
Cases that involve or lead to bladder impairment, sexual problems, scarring and the possibility of future complications: £56,375 – £67,200
Lesion, fractures and other injuries with ongoing disability and discomfort: £29,475 – £53,000
Moderate back injury compensation
Risk of osteoarthritis and/or impact on sexual function: £21,100 – £29,475
Muscle and ligament injury: £9,500 – £21,100
Minor Back Injuries
No minimum – £9,500
Severe asthma with a major impact on the enjoyment of life: £32,725 – £50,000
Chronic: £20,000 – £32,700
Mild asthma: up to £14,600
Chest Injury:
With lung and heart damage an award of £23,800 to £114,100
A single penetrating wound where there is no long term effect: £9,575 – £13,650
Rib Injury:
Compensation for a fracture of the rib where there is recovery after a few weeks can attract an award of up to £3000.
Maximum Compensation, Minimum Time
As recognised expert personal injury solicitors, accredited by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, you can trust us to give you the best advice.
If you have suffered a back injury and you think someone else is to blame, we can help. We will ensure that you receive 100% of the compensation as our costs are recovered from the other side.
Contact Lawford Kidd today to speak to a solicitor in Edinburgh who can help you claim for your back injury.
Contact Lawford Kidd Today
If you have suffered a back injury, we can help. Click here or call +44 131 225 5214.
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