Case Studies

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Workplace Slip Results in Facial Scar - £11,000 Awarded

A lady received a payment of £11,000 for an injury to her mouth as a result of her upper lip being split between the lip itself and the nose.  She fell as a result of slipping on water which was leaking out of a fridge in her place of employment.  The water was obviously on the floor.

As a result of the initial repair surgery following the accident at Accident & Emergency, she was left with a bulge in her lip surrounded by a pale C shaped scar but this was particularly noticeable as the scar was in the middle of her lip.  She required to have plastic surgery to revise this and the bulge was removed and she was left with a small barely noticeable vertical scar.  She was very pleased with the outcome of the revision surgery because the initial surgery had left her with a very noticeable scar at conversational distance right in the middle of her face between her lip and nose. 

See here for more details on Slip, Trip or Fall Compensation Claims.

Degloving Claim Following Workplace Accident

A process worker was working with a machine known as four head spreader. The machine coats a cloth sheet with rubber in the main part of the machine which is then subjected to a sheet steam process.

The client was straightening the leader cloth at one end of the roller in accordance with normal practice at the place of business. His right arm became caught in the spindle, and broke in several places. The emergency stop button, 8 feet away, was out of reach. His arm had to be amputated from below the elbow.

The client received an interim payment of £100,000 to fund a state-of-the-art Michelangelo prosthesis, which would have been otherwise available. The prosthesis is far superior to anything available on the NHS.

He received a substantial settlement, as well as changes being implemented in his workplace following an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive.

See here for more details on Accidents at Work.

Damages of £5,000 Awarded for Accident in Restaurant Car Park

Mrs C had been for a meal at a large restaurant outside Glasgow. As she was leaving to proceed to her car in the restaurant car park she tripped on a large drainage channel in the middle of the car park. 

The drainage channel was obscured by cars and had no markings. Insurers refused to give any compensation: the accident resulted in Mrs C suffering a broken left arm and needing hospital treatment. She was left with some restriction in movement in the arm. 

The case was taken to court and expert advice obtained confirming that the depth of the drain was above the relevant highways guidance level and that it should have had clear markings to warn it was a hazard. The drain was marked after the accident. 

A settlement of £5,000 was made after the case was taken to court.

See here for more details on Slip, Trip or Fall Compensation Claims.

Compensation Claim for Pothole Trip

Mr S, an elderly man, recovered £13,000 after he tripped on a pothole in the pavement in Dingwall. He sustained soft tissue injuries to his shoulder and neck and cuts and abrasions to his face.

See here for more details on Slip, Trip or Fall Compensation Claims.

Local Authority Workplace Accident Compensation

£5,750 was obtained for Mrs R, a 47 year old cook, from her local authority employers after an accident occurred at her work. She required to lift and carry a heavy pot of soup because they failed to provide her with a blender with a flex long enough to reach the pot. She sustained injury to her neck as a result of the accident.

See here for more details on Accidents at Work.

Damages Awarded for Bicycle Accident

£25,750 was obtained for Mr S, a 35 year old man who was knocked off his bicycle by a car. He sustained a serious wrist fracture and there was a small risk that he would require further operative treatment in future.

See here for more details on Cycling Accident Compensation Claims.

Successful Claim against Opticians

£6,000 was obtained for an elderly disabled woman who fell from a stool in an opticians when she was having her eyes tested.  She suffered soft tissue injuries and developed tinnitus as a result of the fall.

See here for more details on Slip, Trip or Fall Compensation Claims.

Contact Lawford Kidd Personal Injury Solicitors in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen & Dundee today

If you have suffered as a result of medical negligence our friendly, specialist team can help. Contact us today to begin making your claim or to find out whether you have a case. Call us free on +44 131 225 5214.


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