Compensation Calculator

Click on the body areas below to see the typical compensation range for injuries to that area. Click to find out about making a workplace accident claimsroad traffic accident claims or industrial disease claims.

Compensation Claim Values - Find out What Your Personal Injury Claim is Worth.

Use the above calculator to determine the amount of compensation you may be entitled to for your injury.

Pain and Suffering - Explanatory Note

The personal injury pain and suffering compensation figures are given as guidelines for compensation for pain and suffering in Scotland, following a personal injury. Under Scots Law the name for compensation for pain and suffering in a personal injury claim is known as “solatium”. This is a Latin word which was traditionally used to describe such compensation.

The figures given above are an approximate guide to what you might receive. They are based on current court awards in Scotland or England for different types of personal Injury. They are also based on guidance produced by the Judicial Studies Board “Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases”. The current tenth edition of these guidelines sets out advice on suitable personal injury levels for lawyers dealing with personal injury claims. The guidelines were first issued in 1992 and are produced by the English Judicial Studies Board. They are commonly known as the “JSB Guidelines”.

At Lawford Kidd your personal injury compensation will be assessed by your own specialist personal injury solicitor. Every case is different but you may find it useful to have guidance on the types of sum that may be awarded for a range of personal injuries. Your solicitor will give you a full explanation of how compensation for your personal injury is calculated. The figures given are subject to on-going change (particularly if a jury has given guidance on a particular type of injury). See the Lawford Kidd website for an explanation of civil jury trials. A modest figure of interest may be added to the above personal injury compensation awards and your specialist solicitor at Lawford Kidd will advise regarding the appropriate rates of interest.

Personal Injury Compensation Calculator – Wage Loss & Other Losses

In addition to the compensation for pain and suffering you will receive compensation for other areas of loss which you might suffer. Brief guidance on these areas of loss is as follows:

1) Wage loss: If you have been off work following the accident and lost pay you can recover the pay loss. The figures used are your take home pay.

2) Services: You can recover compensation for services. This is help given by a member of the family who has had to look after you following the accident. It can also be given to compensate you for having to ask another person to carry out domestic tasks on your behalf, which you would otherwise have done.

3) Losses related to the personal injury: You can claim compensation for prescriptions, property damaged in the accident, pension and bonus loss, help for medical treatment and other costs directly related to the injury.

Contact Lawford Kidd

We’ll be able to explain all of the above for you with legal advice tailored for your situation. For specialist free initial advice from our injury solicitors on a no-win no-fee basis, call +44 131 225 5214 or fill out or online enquiry form here.


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