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Construction Industry Leaders to Tackle Workplaces Diseases

Over 150 construction industry executives have pledged to take action to try and significantly reduce the number of industrial illnesses affecting workers in construction in the UK.

According to statistics, respiratory diseases and industrial illnesses kill 100 times more workers than workplace accidents with such conditions being common in later life. Exposure to dangerous substances, working with chemicals and being exposed to old materials such as asbestos when knocking down buildings are all common causes of industrial diseases and respiratory illnesses for construction workers.

While 2014/15 saw many serious injuries in the construction industry and 35 fatalities, it is estimated that in the same period more than 4,000 workers died from cancer and other industrial illnesses due to exposure to dangerous substances and chemicals when previously working in the construction industry. The vast majority of the cases were a result of respiratory illnesses and lung cancer, which was responsible for around 50% of all deaths. It is expected that each year, a further 3,000 construction workers are exposed to dangerous chemicals that can lead to severe health problems in later life.

Although the construction industry has reduced the number of fatal accidents significantly in the last 40 years (an 80% reduction) it remains one of the most dangerous industries in the UK both regarding accidents in the workplace and occupational health.

Construction Accidents and Injuries: Taking Legal Action

Falls from heights, injuries from poor health and safety procedures, working with dangerous equipment and even vehicles and other dangers on a site are some of the leading causes of accidents on construction sites. Indeed, with the industry being one of the most dangerous to work in in the UK, the chances of obtaining a workplace injury in the construction sector are higher than in any other occupation.

Sadly, many accidents occur needlessly and as a result of the duty of care of an employer. An employer has a duty to care for employees in the workplace and to make sure that the proper health and safety procedures are in place. If you are injured due to the recklessness of an employer or due to an employer failing in their obligation, then you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim.

Making a personal injury claim can be exceptionally complex and can be extremely difficult, especially if you are taking legal action against your current employer. Although making a personal injury claim may seem straightforward, especially if you believe you are not fault, sadly, it is not always the case. Many employers or those responsible do not always admit liability which can make it difficult to get the compensation and justice you deserve. As such, it is important to have as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This can include a medical report, CCTV or photographic evidence and witness statements. Such evidence will be used by our team of solicitors to build the strongest possible case and get you the compensation you deserve.

Workplace Illnesses and Personal Injury Solicitors: Contact Us

If you have suffered from an illness due to exposure to dangerous chemicals in the workplace or if you have sustained any injury through no fault of your own, our team of personal injury lawyers can help you take legal action and get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today using our online contact form.

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