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Councils pay out millions in compensation

According to figures obtained by the Scottish Conservatives under Freedom of Information legislation, councils in Scotland have paid out over £33 million to settle around 13,000 compensation claims over the past five years.

The data reveals a wide range of claims, including a man in Edinburgh who claimed £170,000 after a firework blew up in his hand; and a person in Glasgow who got their jacket caught on a bin hoist and was lifted into the air, which has so far cost £250 in legal fees.

According to the Scottish Conservatives, the actual cost is likely to be higher than the current figures indicate, as some councils failed to respond to the information request, and there are still some outstanding cases waiting to be resolved.

The figures show that Falkirk Council paid out the most in compensation (£6.7 million), followed by Fife (£5.2 million) and Edinburgh (£3.2 million).

Most of the claims concerned vehicle accidents, trips on pavements and potholes, and problems with council housing.

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