Improving the safety of transport workers has been a recent priority for the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).
Through a series of live demonstrations, arranged by IOSH’s Food and Drink and Retail and Distribution groups, the organisation highlighted the hazards faced by HGV drivers and other working in the transport sector, with a specific focus on loading-area and yard safety.
The live demonstrations also educated audiences about overcoming said difficulties, such as poor visibility in loading areas, incorrectly laid out yards and wrongly uncoupled/coupled trailers.
Commenting, IOSH’s Nigel Davy, stated:
“What we have tried to show is that one of the key points is for the transport yard to be set out as well as possible for the drivers to have and maintain the best visibility.
“The nature of yards often change as a result of deliveries during the day. An empty yard in the morning can often be a busy yard in the afternoon, one, which is full of obstructions.
“The demonstrations today have given examples of how we can try to improve the management of these areas to make sure they are as safe as possible for all of the people who work in them…”
“…The main aim of what we are doing is give people with a health and safety responsibility but who are not professional drivers an insight into the key areas on site.
“The live demonstrations have been used to support the presentations on the key topics, including driver visibility and coupling and uncoupling.
“These demonstrations have been made up of some static and some moving exhibits to give delegates a much closer look at the issues.
“What it will do is help them improve their workplace transport knowledge and the way they do their risk assessments.”
Similarly, Paul Duncalf, speaking for the Retail and Distribution Group from IOSH, stated:
“When you work in a transport yard, you need to plan for the worst vehicle and the least experienced driver.
“Some large goods vehicles don’t have any aids. They may have a driver who has only recently passed a test or has not been to your yard before.
“It is very important that you get it right and no chances are taken in yard areas. With large goods vehicles there is no middle ground.”
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