
Work related skin disease can affect people in a wide range of occupations.

If you have contracted dermatitis at work this will give rise to a personal injury claim if your employers have failed to carry out proper risk assessments or provide you with protective equipment.

Claims for personal injury for industrial dermatitis can result in payment of compensation for pain and suffering of up to £12,000 for a severe condition.

Health and Safety Executive figures for dermatitis and other skin disorders show that the most common agents were “soaps and cleaners, wet work” and “rubber chemicals and materials”.

An analysis of HSE data found that 43% of cases of contact dermatitis were allergic in nature and 40% were irritant.

Other causative agents were hairdressing chemicals, nickels, resins, bleaches, preservatives and cobalt.

In 2009 alone there were 2455 cases of occupational skin disease reported by Dermatologists and Physicians.

Industries using chemicals that can give rise to industrial dermatitis claims include catering, hairdressing, health services, dentistry, printing, metal machining, motor vehicle repair and construction.

Some products can contain substances that can harm the skin or enter the body through skin contact.

  • To protect yourself you should look for hazard warning signs.
  • You should avoid direct contact between unprotected hands and substances.
  • Always avoid the skin contacting the substance by using protective equipment such as gloves.
  • Wash your hands following contamination and check them for first signs of itchy, dry or red skin.

Under the COSHH regulations your employers have a strict duty to carry out assessments of risks from the use of chemicals.  You should check this is done if you are using a chemical and ask for the safety data sheet.

Contact Lawford Kidd

If you have contracted dermatitis at work you need advice from a specialist personal injury solicitor.  Lawford Kidd have thirty years’ experience in dealing with industrial disease personal injury claims.  Please telephone us on +44 131 225 5214 or contact us via our online contact form.


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