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Drastic Increase in the Number of Road Accidents

A recent survey by the Scottish government showed that last year there were more than 11,000 road traffic accidents in Scotland alone.

Worryingly, the results found that there were over 3,000 more accidents in the last year than 2013 and that 200 people died as a result of collisions on the road. Of those killed, the majority were vulnerable road users, with eight cyclists, 31 motorcyclists, 56 pedestrians and 93 car users losing their life.

The figures also show an increase in road traffic offences and a rise in the number of children injured in Scotland. Statistics showed that 2014 saw the highest number of injuries since 2010, with over 1000 children being seriously injured as a result of a road traffic accident.  As a result of road traffic accidents, seven children lost their life.

In total, the number of deaths on Scotland’s roads were at a five-year high, but still half of the worst tally in 1995.

Road Traffic Accident Claims in Scotland

Transport Minister Derek Mackay called the figures regarding the total number of accidents “disappointing” and urged drivers and road users to take more care when on the roads. He said: “The increase in fatalities and the number of people seriously injured in road accidents in 2014 is disappointing. However, it also demonstrates the need for every one of us to take responsibility when using the road network.

“The longer term downward trends and the annual decline in the total number of casualties, to the lowest level since records began, are encouraging but more can, and must, be done.”

He added: “Some of the more recent interventions such as the landmark change in Scotland’s drink-drive legislation – which has seen us leading the way in the United Kingdom – will undoubtedly help prevent the tragic and unnecessary loss of lives on our roads.

“We are also encouraging Councils to cut speed in towns and cities through our revised 20mph limit guidance. I am confident that these developments will have a positive impact going forward.”

According to the figures, Glasgow, was the most dangerous area in Scotland, just ahead of Dumfries and Galloway.
Glasgow had 718 road traffic offences for every 10,000 people despite the city having the lowest level of car ownership in Scotland. In total, 46,000 motorists broke driving rules in Glasgow, with the area having the second highest level of deaths. While some condemned the figures coming from the city, others cited the high number of police officers was the main reason for such high figures.

Your Legal Rights Following A Road Traffic Accident

Thousands of people are injured in road traffic accidents through no fault of their own, some often suffering life-changing injuries as a result of their trauma. If you have been hurt in an accident, that was not your fault, you have the right to hold those responsible to account for their actions.

There are a number of factors that can result in accidents on the road such as poor road conditions, driver negligence and speeding. Regardless of the extent of your injury, if your accident occurred in the last three years and was not your fault, you will be able to make a personal injury claim.

To make a claim, you must not have been responsible for your own accident. If you were, you will not be able to make a claim. Solicitors require evidence to build as strong a case as possible. As well as recording details such as where, when and how the accident occurred, a solicitor may require further evidence such as a medical report, witness accounts, police reports or even photographic evidence. If you are involved in a road traffic accident, we strongly advise you to try and obtain as much evidence as possible, however, only do this if it is safe to do so.

Sadly, many people try to fraudulently claim compensation following a road traffic injury, with whiplash being one of the most fraudulently claimed for injuries. Therefore, if you are injured following an accident on the road, we urge you to seek the advice of medical experts. By doing this, you will be able to prove that you were injured, verify your injuries and have peace of mind regarding any other issues that may have arisen as a result of your accident.

A medical report can also prove worthwhile in showing the full extent of your injuries and recuperation time. Many claimants forget that it is possible to claim for more than just your injuries. Rehabilitation time, medical costs and loss of earnings can all be claimed for following a road traffic accident. Our team of solicitors will inform you of the evidence that will be required to try and build a successful case and obtain the damages you deserve.

How Much Could A Claim Be Worth?

As every claim is unique, it is difficult to assess exactly what a claim is worth. Solicitors will use their years of experience and knowledge to ensure that you have a rough estimate of what your claim is worth. Our solicitors operate on a no win, no fee basis meaning that regardless of how much your claim is potentially worth, if you do not manage to obtain compensation, you will not be charged for any of the legal advice or representation. This ensures that all of our clients have access to justice and compensation for their injuries. We will take a minimal fee if we are successful in obtaining compensation to cover legal fees and our own costs.

Contact Us

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident through no fault of your own, whether it be a result of negligence from another driver or poor road conditions, you will be able to make a personal injury claim. To find out how to make a claim or to get the expert advice of our personal injury lawyers, contact us today using our online contact form.

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