Claim Compensation for Farm or Rural Accidents

The Health and Saferty Executive statistics show that in the ten year period from 1997 to 2007 a total of 464 people have been killed as a result of agricultural work activities.

That means an average of around one death per week!

Exposure to Dust and Respiratory Sensitisers, Noise and Vibration

This continues to cause injury to those working in the agricultural industry as there appears to be  a deep seated culture of unwise risk taking.  Many farmers are resistant to officialdom and Health and Safety isn’t yet regarded as necessary for good farm business management.

Currently there is a focus on migrant workers.  High profile media interest resulted from the twenty one deaths on the Tidal Flats at Morecambe Bay in February, 2004. 

Legislation was enacted by Parliament in July, 2004 to cover migrant workers.

Farm Accident Claims Compensation Awards in Scotland

Occupiers of farm and agricultural land both have a duty of care to workers who use the land as well as members of the public.They have to ensure health and safety standards are complied with and workers are adequately trained. The training includes the use of machinery and the handling of animals and chemicals.

In 2003 the Scottish Parliament passed the Land Reform (Scotland) Act.This provides more extensive public access rights to land.  Clearly farmers will require to be aware that the public use their land and take a note of any potential hazards. Lawford Kidd are specialists in the field of farm accident claims and related illness claims.

We work on a no win no fee basis and you receive 100% compensation. Free phone: +44 131 225 5214.

If you have been injured in a farm or rural accident which wasn’t your fault contact us today on +44 131 225 5214 because you may be entitled to claim compensation.

The main causes of injury or fatalities continue to be:

1.    Transport (being run over or a vehicle overturning).
2.    Falling from height e.g. through a fragile roof
3.    Struck by moving or fallen object e.g. hill or tree
4.    Drowning or suffocating.
5.    Livestock related fatalities.   
6.    Contact with machinery.
7.    Trapped by something collapsing or overturning.
8.    Contact with electricity.

The occupational health record in agriculture is also poor.  Around 400,000 people still work in agriculture and although the employment has been steadily declining the industry is a priority for the Health and Safety Executive because of its poor injury record.   Many accidents  aren’t reported. The cost to society is estimated at £343 billion a year.   

Case Study:
The Pursuer was a passenger in an off-road vehicle that rolled over on a steep ascent. He was thrown from the vehicle, which then landed on him. His pelvis was crushed, and in the months following he suffered from post-traumatic stress. We came to a settlement shortly before trial, winning him substantial personal injury compensation.

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