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Too Many Fleet Vehicles Involved in Accidents

As many as 86% of company car fleets have experienced an accident in the past 12 months, according to a recent report by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).

The report was commissioned in autumn 2014, and produced a number of interesting findings, including:

  • Only 14% of fleets confirmed they had not had any vehicle incidents in their fleet in the last 12 months.
  • Every fleet had suffered on-road incidents that were caused by their driver, i.e. an ‘at fault’ incident.
  • Only 33% of fleets said at-fault drivers faced some sort of punitive measure, i.e. fine, excess payments, etc.
  • Over half said they didn’t offer any post-incident driver training as a means of reducing the risk of repeat incidents.

According to Government figures, between 2008 and 2013 3,493 people were killed in accidents involving a driver/rider driving for work, including 515 in 2013.

Driving for Better Business says up to one in three road crashes involves a vehicle being driven for work. It added that every week, around 200 road deaths and serious injuries involve someone at work.

IAM Drive & Survive also discovered that drivers of company vehicles are 25% more likely than company drivers using their own vehicles to have a minor accident.

“Accidents involving company car drivers represent a sizeable proportion of accidents on UK roads – and it’s a problem which needs tackling in a meaningful way,” commented Sarah Sillars, IAM chief executive officer.

“Fleet operators have a duty to their businesses, employees and other road users to ensure those individuals’ driving conduct is of the highest order,” she added. “Often companies have full processes and procedures for Health and Safety, HR and Environmental best practice; but often none in place when the employees get behind the wheel of a car or van.”

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