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Government response to cosmetic treatment report “too little, too late”

The Government’s response to Sir Bruce Keogh’s recommendations for overhauling the cosmetic treatment industry is welcome as far as it goes, but overall is “”too little, too late” according to the patient safety charity, Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA).

AvMA has had to advise and support people who have been harmed by sub-standard cosmetic treatment, and submitted evidence to Sir Bruce’s review.

Whilst the Government has accepted the vast majority of Sir Bruce’s report “in principle”, it has not committed to full regulation of the industry or ensuring appropriate avenues for redress for patients who have been harmed.

AvMA chief executive, Peter Walsh, said:

“We welcome this response as far as it goes. It signals that Government is at least taking these problems with the cosmetic treatment industry seriously at last. However, we have seen too many people harmed by rogues in this industry already.

“We are disappointed not to see all providers of cosmetic treatment having to register and be regulated by the Care Quality Commission, or a proper compensation scheme created for victims of the industry.

“The Government had promised its response by last summer and Sir Liam Donaldson’s report in 2005 was ignored. We need to see action not words now. Overall, this is a case of too little, too late”.

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