Personal Injury Claims Lawyers Hamilton

At Lawford Kidd, we have a long and successful history of working with clients to secure the financial compensation that they are entitled to, if they have been in an accident that was not their fault. To find out if we can help you, please contact our team and speak to one of our specialist solicitors.

The law is designed so that people are obliged to not cause others to suffer injury because of their carelessness. If you are hurt because of someone else’s actions, then the law requires that you be compensated to reflect the gravity of the injury that you have suffered.

It is important to understand that an injury needn’t be particularly severe or even physical to warrant compensation: minor and psychological injuries will also attract some level of financial compensation. You must also understand that the law not only provides a right for you to be compensated for suffering an accident that was not your fault, but also for the impact the accident has on you and your life.

Lawford Kidd is one of Scotland’s leading law firms dealing in all aspects of personal injury law. Our team operate throughout the Hamilton area, providing expert legal counsel to our clients. We will handle every aspect of your claim: collating paperwork and evidence; negotiations with the other party; and representing you in court if the need should arise. To find out how much compensation you could be entitled to, Contact our team today on +44 131 225 5214 or complete our online contact form.

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