Hip Injury

Hip injuries can be severe, resulting in low back injuries or hip replacements. If you have suffered a hip injury that wasn’t your fault in the last three years, our personal injury solicitors may be able to help you make a claim.

Hip Injury Solicitors

Hip injuries can be as a result of a slip, trip or fall in the workplace or a fall from height. Other common causes are road traffic accidents or industrial accidents.

Awards depend on the severity of the hip injury and residual damage. An injury that results in, say, spondylolisthesis of a back joint with high pain levels, will attract a higher award than an injury resulting in a successful hip replacement.

Other factors taken into consideration in your personal injury claim are disability, pain level and permanency of the hip injury.

Hip Injury Compensation Values in Scotland

The hip compensation figures below are for information only based on official guidelines in Scotland and you should remember that the value you obtain for your hip injury claim will largely be determined by the quality and skill of your solicitor in addition to other factors specific to your case such as loss of wages.

Hip Injury

Extensive fractures involving residual disability: £29,800 – £99,500

Significant hip injury but no/minor permanent disability: £3,000- £29,800

Minor injury with complete recovery up to £3000

Pelvic Injury:

Extensive fractures of the pelvis: £29,800 – £99,500

Less serious pelvic injuries: £9,575 and £29,800

Significant injury with little or no residual disability: £3,000 – £9,575

Minor injuries with a complete recovery will receive up to £3000 

Why Choose Us?

Lawford Kidd are expert personal injury lawyers in Scotland, accredited by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers. You can trust us to give you the best advice.

If you have suffered a hip injury and someone else is to blame, we can help. As our costs are recovered from the other side, we ensure that you receive 100% of the compensation

Contact us today to speak to a solicitor who can help you claim for your hip injury.

Contact Lawford Kidd

If you have suffered a hip injury in Scotland, we can help. Click here or call +44 131 225 5214.

£59,600 – £99,500


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