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Man Admits Killing Motorcyclist in A9 Crash

A man has admitted causing the death of a motorcyclist as a result of careless driving on the A9 last year.

The 47-year-old admitted to driving recklessly and causing a crash that killed a biker and seriously injured his wife.

The incident, which occurred in the Highlands on 6 March 2014 saw William Couston pull out of a junction and into the path of the oncoming motorcycle, leading to the death of 55-year-old Nigel Mills. It was understood that Mr Mills and his wife had been on their way to the Scottish Motorcycle Show near Edinburgh.

The prosecutor said: “Both Mr and Mrs Mills were thrown off their bike and on to the carriageway. The first witness on the scene said Couston’s car was in the middle of the road, its right indicator still flashing, and steam was coming from it.

“Ambulance and police were called and Couston identified himself to officers as being the driver. There appeared to be no signs of life in Mr Mills.

“Mrs Mills suffered a right leg fracture, a compound fracture to the left, a crushed pelvis, a fractured vertebra and a perforated bladder. She is still using crutches and a wheelchair and was in hospital in Aberdeen for three months after the accident.”

The sentence was deferred for background reports, and bail was continued.


The incident is one of the many accidents on the A9 involving speeding. Despite the introduction of average speed cameras, many campaigners are questioning their effectiveness with the number of serious accidents increasing across the route. New police statistics indicate that the number of vehicles speeding on the road has dropped from one in three to one in 15 since the cameras were introduced. Despite the success in reducing speeding, which is one of the major factors in all road traffic accidents, campaigners claim that the cameras are ineffective due to the year-on-year increase in the rate of fatal accidents.

According to the Royal Society, for the Prevention of Accidents speed is the main factor in just 14% of accidents and has a direct contribution in other incidents. As a result of speeding when driving 15% of crashes result in a serious injury and 24% of collisions when speed limits are not adhered to result in death.

Road Traffic Accidents

Millions of people are injured each year in road traffic accidents, often through no fault of their own. If you are involved in a road traffic accident, it is important that all your injuries are assessed and monitored by a medical professional. Whether it be whiplash, a serious head injury or any other type of minor injury, if you are injured as a result of an incident that is not your fault, you have the right to make a claim for compensation.

In order to make a claim for damages it is important to provide our team of solicitors with as many details as possible. Therefore if you are injured in an accident note down, mentally or physically, every piece of information you can recall. Our team of solicitors will be able to build a strong compensation case if they have details such as where the incident occurred, the details of the accident, when the incident occurred, who was at fault, the details of the driver and the contact information of those involved, and those who saw the incident occur. If you are unsure if the details are valid check them at the incident by calling the number or double checking the registration number. These details will aid our solicitors in obtaining compensation and proving who is responsible for the accident. By having contact details, we can launch our investigation into the event.

Making a Personal Injury Claim

By providing contact details, we can build a strong case for you and obtain the compensation you deserve. While it is important to seek compensation and collect any evidence that can help, it is imperative that you are safe in doing so. No matter how innocuous your injuries if you lose consciousness or suffer any sort of injury we strongly urge to seek medical advice. A medical report will not only give you peace of mind regarding your injuries but will help verify your claim. Sadly, whiplash and other injuries sustained in road traffic accidents are most fraudulently claimed for. By having a medical report, you are effectively verifying the extent of your injuries. Furthermore, such a report can show the recovery time and provide our solicitors with a clearer idea of what your claim could be worth.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

It is important to note that while you can claim for the injuries sustained in a road traffic accident, you can also claim for damage to property. While your case may seem like a simple straightforward claim, personal injury claims can be exceptionally complexed. At Lawford Kidd we operate on a no win, no fee basis. This means that if you are unsuccessful in obtaining compensation you will not need to pay for the legal service and representation you received, We will take a small success fee to cover some costs from your compensation if we are successful.

Contact Our No Win, No Fee Solicitors Today

We know that any accident is very serious for those involved. If you were involved in an accident that is not your fault, even if it was in the last three years, you can take legal action and be awarded compensation for your injuries and the damages. Whilst some injuries like whiplash get a negative press, if you have been injured and unable to work or live your life normally as a result of your injury, can you really afford to not take legal action?

If you require the advice of our no win, no fee solicitors following a road traffic injury, or any other personal injury claim, contact our team using our online contact form.

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