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New Year, New You? – Personal Injury Claims Arising from New Years Resolutions

January is slowly but surely drawing to a close, but during the month of good intentions, many of us have taken the opportunity to lose weight and get fit. However, whether you have succeeded or failed, there are many illnesses and injuries that can arise as a result of a new health and fitness plan. Hitting the gym may have resulted in an injury as a result of faulty equipment or poor advice, you may have taken dietary supplements that are unsafe or even undergone a cosmetic procedure that did not turn out as planned and caused you injury. This post looks at some of the most common injuries and illnesses arising out of the best of intentions, and when you might be able to make a claim.

Unsafe Supplements Compensation Claims

Almost one-third of all UK adults take some kind of dietary supplement. This could be multivitamins, cod liver oil or even those which claim to aid with weight loss. Many people find it convenient and beneficial to their health to supplement their diet with things they need in pill form. However, recent scientific studies indicate that some of these supplements may be doing more harm than good. Under the law, dietary supplements are treated as food and thus subject to the regulations and laws of food safety.

If you have suffered illness as a result of taking a dietary supplement, you may be able to make a compensation claim. Contact our expert team to find out more about making this kind of claim to be advised on your specific circumstances.

Faulty Gym Equipment Claims

To lose weight and get fitter and healthier, many people head off to the gym. In fact, 4.5 million adults in the UK have gym memberships. However, in January many people who are new to the gym attempt to use equipment they have never used before, often without proper training or equipment that is faulty or not properly maintained.

Most gyms contain specialist equipment that is heavy and has some moving parts. These kinds of machines and equipment can cause serious injury to the user of the equipment, or to those around them. To avoid such accident, manufacturers of gym products, gym instructors and gym premises have strict healthy and safety laws that apply to them.

Sometimes however, these rules and regulations are forgotten, ignored or overlooked, resulting in accidents and injuries. There are a number of ways in which faulty equipment or unclear instructions could cause your injury for example where:

  • The equipment is defective or faulty
  • The equipment is not maintained properly
  • The instructions for using the equipment are unclear
  • The instructions for using the equipment do not provide adequate warnings 
  • Gym instructors do not carry out their job role correctly
  • The area surrounding equipment is not kept clean and free from hazards

This list is not exhaustive, and if you are injured in a gym equipment accident that wasn’t your fault, you could be entitled to compensation. Our specialist personal injury solicitors are experts in making gym injury compensation claims and can help you make you claim compensation for your injury, including compensation for:

  • Any time missed from work as a result of your injury
  • Any costs incurred as a result of being injured such as travel expenses, medical costs or childcare.
  • Any costs associated with adapting your home if you suffer a permanent injury
  • If you have been injured under any of these circumstances, contact our specialist solicitors today

Gym Instructor Compensation Claims

In addition to gym accident compensation claims, you can also make a claim relating to the actions of a gym instructor if they have caused you injury. Gym instructors owe you a duty of care and must give you exercise advice that is safe and appropriate for your size and fitness level. Where a gym instructor gives you advice or instruction that leads to your injury you may be able to make a compensation claim. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a gym instructor’s negligent advice, contact our specialist team today to find out how we can help.

Cosmetic Procedure Compensation Claims

Many people in the UK undergo cosmetic procedures each year, however not all of them go according to plan. Sadly, a great number of people suffer an unintended injury as a result of cosmetic surgery. The most common types of cosmetic procedure compensation claims include:

  • Acting without obtaining informed consent
  • Breast enlargement and reduction injuries
  • Face lift injuries
  • Nose reshaping injuries
  • Brow lift injuries
  • Laser skin resurfacing injuries
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Tummy tucks or gastric band surgery injuries
  • Surgery complications including damage to nerves, organs or arteries.

Also, to the injuries above, nurses and other medical staff may make mistakes during the aftercare process of the procedure which can also lead to injury, illness or infection. Medical staff may also fail to notice symptoms or early warning signs of problems or infections which could cause you further injury if neglected.

Moreover, your medical adviser may not give you proper advice for home care. A good example is where a person undergoes a procedure to help them lose weight and is not given proper diet advice to follow after they leave the hospital. If this results in illness or injury, you may be able to may a personal injury compensation claim.

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a cosmetic procedure, contact our specialist team today who will be able to assist you in making your claim.

No Win, No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors: Contact Us

Here at Lawford Claims, our team operate on a no win, no fee basis. This means that if we are unsuccessful in obtaining compensation, you will not be charged for any of the legal advice or representation you received. This means we work harder to secure your compensation.

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a cosmetic procedure, or in any other accident that wasn’t your fault, contact our expert personal injury solicitors today using our online contact form.

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