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Police crackdown on summer drink and drug driving

The Scottish police annual summer crackdown on drink and drug driving will take place from 4th to 18th June and will involve all eight of Scotland’s police forces.

Chief Superintendent Derek Robertson of Lothian and Borders Police, road casualty reduction lead for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS), said: “During last summer’s campaign we detected 245 people for drink driving and 21 who were unfit through drugs in Scotland. That is totally unacceptable and it is worth remembering that many of those people will still be serving a driving ban today.”

He added: “There is a clear link between driving impairment through drink or drugs and road crashes in which people, many of them unconnected with the driver, are killed or seriously injured. We must all work together to reduce the risk and I would ask anyone with information about a drink or drug driver to contact the police or the independent charity Crimestoppers.”

Figures from ACPOS have shown that one in seven deaths on Scottish roads involve a drink driver and that the cost of a fatal road traffic crash averages around £1.9 million.

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