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Rise in Drink-Driving Related Deaths and Injuries

Road safety organisations have reacted with concern to the news that there has been an increase in the number of people killed and injured in road traffic accidents involving drink-driving. 

According to provisional estimates from the Department of Transport between 200 and 280 people were killed in accidents in Great Britain in 2016 where at least one driver was over the drink-drive limit, with a central estimate of 240 deaths. 

In addition, the figures show that an estimated 9,050 people were killed or injured in 2016 in a crash involving a drunk driver, which is an increase from 8,470 in 2015, and is the highest number since 2012.

The total number of collisions and accidents where at least one driver was over the alcohol limit rose by 6% to 6,080 in 2016. 

Road safety charity IAM RoadSmart says that this new upswing underlines that now is the time to get into action with more proactive policies.

“Today’s figures are hugely disappointing,” said Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart director of policy and research. “We need more targeted policing and a lot more driver education regarding drinking and driving. Targeted policing in known areas would send a clear message to those still prepared to have a drink and drive.”

“We suggest a two-pronged attack: firstly, continued education and a lower limit for the law abiding majority who might stray or who don’t yet understand the risk, and secondly, getting the police to be more up front about what targeted enforcement actually means as they seek to catch those selfish enough to ignore the current limit,” he added.

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