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Scottish Road Traffic Accidents: New Safety Guide Launched by RoSPA

A new guide, which is aimed at reducing road traffic accidents in Scotland, has been published by The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

The step-by-step guide, which will help councillors in Scotland to prevent road tragedies, was compiled after RoSPA joined forces with Transport Scotland.  Whilst the new guide is primarily aimed at local councillors, it can be used by anyone who wants more information about road safety and how to improve it.

According to the guide, three people still die and 37 seriously injured on Scotland’s road every single week. The risk of being involved in a road traffic accident is higher for some groups, including young drivers, older drivers, at-work drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians, pedal cyclists and children.

In fact, the Department of Transport have recently released figures which show a 27 per cent increase in the number of cyclists killed or seriously injured in the UK between January and March 2014, compared with the same period in 2013, showing the risk for this road user group seems to be dramatically rising.   

The new RoSPA guide shows that road accidents in Scotland involve a number of contributory factors, but human error is the most common. This includes errors such as failing to look (a factor in 32 per cent of accidents), loss of control of the vehicle (20 per cent), and failing to judge the other person’s speed or path (17 per cent).  Careless or reckless driving, or driving when in a hurry, also contributed to 15 per cent of deaths.

If you cause injury or death, you could not only be open to civil action, but also a prosecution from the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service under one of the many pieces of road safety legislation.  

Furthermore, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) can become active and investigate employers in serious work-related incidents.  It is estimated that just under a third of all accidents involve someone at work, which is why employers in Scotland have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to as far as reasonably practicable ensure the health and safety of their employees.

Regardless of the legal obligations, it is also in the financial interests of employers to assess and reduce the risk of accidents – road accidents involving employs can also be costly.  HSE research into workplace accidents has shown that, for every £1 paid from insurance policies, uninsured costs, which have to be paid out by the employer can range between £8 and £36.

Injured in a Road Traffic Accident and Looking for Compensation?

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident on the roads across Scotland, Lawford Kidd’s personal injury lawyers can advise you regarding compensation – which you may be due. To receive specialist personal injury claims advice, contact us today on 0131 516 9180. Alternatively, click here to make an online enquiry.

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