Shoulder Injury Compensation

Shoulder injuries are often in relation to workplace accidents or repetitive strain injuries. If you’ve suffered a shoulder injury in the past three years that wasn’t your fault, we can help you make a claim.

Should Injury Solicitors Edinburgh

It’s often underestimated just how debilitating a shoulder injury can be. A shoulder injury can be related to back and neck injuries, causing  reduced mobility temporarily or permanently.

The bones, muscles and ligaments in the shoulder are positioned such that they are susceptible to injury, and vital in the use of the arms, back and neck. Common injuries include dislocated shoulders, breaks and fractures, clavicle injuries, rotator cuff injuries and brachial plexus injuries.

The brachial plexus is a group of nerve fibres that run from the spine at the neck, down into the arm. The rotator cuff is the collection of muscles and tendons around the shoulder that stabilise the joint. Injuries to either of these can be severe, and entitle you to make a claim for compensation.

Shoulder Injury Compensation Values in Scotland

Compensation for shoulder injuries varies depending on the nature and severity of the injury.

The values listed below are for guidance only. These reflect only the ‘pain and suffering’ amount that a Court may award, not wage loss and other losses you could claim (see our compensation calculator page for an explanatory note of the types of damages in Scotland). You should also be aware that the value you may achieve will largely be dictated by the quality and experience of the solicitor dealing with your case.

  • Damage to the Brachial Plexus: £9,700 to £36,500
  • Less serious shoulder injuries where there is a soft tissue injury and a recovery in less than 2 years: £3,300 to £6,000
  • Fracture of the clavicle: £3,900 – £9,300

Contact us today to speak to a solicitor who can help you claim for your shoulder injury.

Contact Lawford Kidd’s Personal Injury Solicitors

If you have suffered a shoulder injury, we can help. Click here or call +44 131 225 5214.

£3,900 – £9,300


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