Silicosis & Black Lung Compensation

Silicosis is a chest condition caused by the inhalation of silica dust. If you believe you might be suffering from silicosis symptoms, or black lung, please contact one of our Edinburgh based expert personal injury lawyers today.

We will provide you with a free initial advice and if we take on you case and get compensation for you we will pay you 100% of the compensation: +44 131 225 5214

About Silicosis & Silicosis Dusts

Crystalline silica is one of the most abundant minerals on earth and is found in all types of stone.  Products such as concrete and mortar also contain silica.  Activities in the work place such as cutting, grinding and polishing produce fine dust that contains silica.  Health hazards from silica arise as a result of breathing in the dust which can eventually result in silicosis.  The silica dust accumulates in the lung causing irreversible changes.  Silicosis can lead to other serious conditions such as cancer, tuberculosis and kidney disease.  Stonemasons are particularly at risk of suffering this condition. Often health screening or routine x-rays can pick up changes to the lung consistent with silicosis.

You should take immediate free advice from us if you have been told you have a silica related condition.

Any compensation claim would need to be dealt with during the three year period from the date of diagnosis or from your last significant exposure.

Compensation can be claimed for

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income if you have had to stop work or change your job.  This can be both for loss in the last or future loss if you are unable to do the same work
  • For help that your family might give you because you can’t do normal household tasks

You can claim compensation for the present affect on your lungs and leave open a future claim if the condition gets worse (known as provisional damages)

Contact Lawford Kidd

You should contact our solicitors in Edinburgh immediately.  Don’t wait in case there problems with the legal time bar.

Click here to start making your claim or call us on +44 131 225 5214.


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