Edinburgh Legionnaires’ Disease 2012 Outbreak – Latest News

The Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in summer 2012 was a worrying time for Edinburgh residents, mainly due to the lack of information given by local authorities at the time. Four people died and there were 56 confirmed cases, making it the worst Legionnaires’ outbreak in a decade. NHS Lothian’s Incident Management Team published a report into the incident […]

What should I do if I have a slip, trip or fall accident?

The winter season brings a great deal more of a certain type of accident – slips, trips and falls. More than a third of all accidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive are as a result of slips and trips. Slippery pavements, wet shop floors and dark nights all make leaving your home slightly more dangerous. […]

All Change for Personal Injury Cases in Scotland?

The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) has published a report on the responses it received to a consultation on the use of pre-action protocols in personal injury cases. Pre-action protocols involve procedures, which take place involving both parties to the personal injury claim before court proceedings are raised, which will establish whether the settlement can […]

Lawford Kidd Personal Injury Solicitors Ranked Top Three in Scotland by Legal 500, 2014

Edinburgh-based personal injury law firm Lawford Kidd have been recognised by leading legal directory, the Legal 500, as top of their field. Of the law firms in Scotland, they made it into the top three rankings. Senior Partner David Sandison was delighted with the Legal 500 confirming Lawford Kidd’s place in the top Personal Injury Firms in Scotland. This […]

Council adopts measures to protect against chemical exposure

The European Commission has welcomed the definitive adoption by the EU’s Council of Ministers of measures to better protect workers from risks linked to exposure to chemicals at the workplace. Every day millions of EU workers are potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals in a wide range of employment sectors including manufacturing and service industries, agriculture, health […]

Injuries Board awards €157m for motor accidents in 2012

Friday is the most dangerous day of the week for road accidents that result in personal injury claims and November has the highest award frequency, according to an analysis of 2012 motor liability awards released by the Irish Injuries Board. The Injuries Board delivered compensation of €157.2m for motor liability awards in 2012 which represents a 2.2% increase on […]