Decrease in Health and Safety Inspections on Construction Sites

The Health and Safety Executive has drastically reduced on construction sites in Scotland sparking concerns that employees in one of the most dangerous sectors of employment are at risk of obtaining a serious injury. The HSE reduced unannounced inspections by more than 55% in the last year following drastic cuts to the health and safety budget […]

Glasgow Firm Fined Following Death of a Worker

A Glasgow-based construction firm has been fined following the death of a worker after he was crushed when a 1.6-tonne frame fell on him. Daniel Hurley had been working with machinery near an area where the structural steelwork for a stair tower was being erected on the site. The Court heard that not long after the steel […]

Property Company Fined for Dangerous Procedures At Heights

A property company based in Lancashire has been found guilty of exposing workers to dangerous conditions when working at heights. Responding to complaints about the working conditions and the safety conditions for workers, the Health and Safety Executive sent officials to investigate the claims. The inspectors found workers stripping slates from a fragile roof without […]

Scottish Constructions Sites Potentially More Dangerous than those in England

With the number of construction site inspections in Scotland falling by 30 per cent last year, according to the Union for Workers in the Construction Sector (UCATT), the lives of construction workers in Scotland are being put at an increased risk To explain, despite inspecting 1,248 Scottish constructions sites in 2012/13 and carrying out 1,250 inspections in […]

Construction safety still a concern

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has recently turned its spotlight on the construction sector, warning that there is no room for complacency despite a recent fall in the number of accidents within the industry. The charity is to hold a conference to highlight the need for more to be done to […]

Construction worker awarded millions in damages

A construction worker from Edinburgh has been awarded compensation worth several million pounds after he was injured on a hospital building site in Newcastle in 2006, reports the Scotsman. The 38-year-old fell from an unsecured working platform on the sixth floor of the hospital and sustained severe injuries to his head and legs. He still […]