Decrease in Health and Safety Inspections on Construction Sites

The Health and Safety Executive has drastically reduced on construction sites in Scotland sparking concerns that employees in one of the most dangerous sectors of employment are at risk of obtaining a serious injury. The HSE reduced unannounced inspections by more than 55% in the last year following drastic cuts to the health and safety budget […]

Building site safety concerns continue

The issue of building site safety is never far from the spotlight, with the Health and Safety Executive frequently running initiatives designed to highlight the risks that can occur in this type of work, and how these risks can be best managed. However, despite these best efforts, too many employers continue to ignore the advice and examples […]

HSE clampdown to reduce death and injury on construction sites

Construction sites are being put under the spotlight as part of an intensive inspection initiative aimed at reducing death, injury and ill health. During February and March, inspectors from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) will be visiting sites where refurbishment or repair works are being carried out. This is part of a national drive […]