RoSPA backs Scotland’s bid to lower drink-drive limit

RoSPA is urging other parts of the UK to consider lowering the drink-drive limit after publishing a response to the proposal in Scotland. Experts estimate that a 50mg limit would save between 77 and 168 lives a year in England and Wales, which could increase to as many as 300 lives annually by the 6th […]
Zero tolerance on drink driving
Members of the public and young people in particular are being urged to take a zero tolerance approach to drink-driving this festive season to help prevent devastating Christmas tragedies. A survey of young drivers, released by Brake and Direct Line, finds a shocking three in ten (29%) are willing to take the deadly gamble of […]
Christmas crackdown on drink and drug driving
As the festive party season approaches the road safety charity Brake has welcomed a police crackdown on drink and drug drivers. Ellen Booth, Brake senior campaigns officer, said: “We fully support this vital crackdown on deadly and selfish drink and drug drivers. Every Christmas, and indeed every week of the year, many families are confronted […]
Drink drivers still a serious threat on Scotland’s roads
The latest figures released by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) have shown that the message to motorists about the dangers of driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs does not appear to be getting through. As part of ACPOS’ annual summer campaign, police forces across Scotland have been carrying […]