Company fined after worker’s hand crushed

A Wellingborough firm has been fined for safety breaches after a worker’s hand was crushed in an unguarded laminating machine. Michael Taylor suffered serious injuries when his right hand and forearm were drawn into gluing rollers of the machine. Mr Taylor has had four operations and extensive physiotherapy but it is unlikely he will ever regain full […]
Man awarded damages for popcorn injury

An American court has awarded substantial damages to a man who claimed he became ill after years of breathing in the fumes of microwave popcorn, reports Yahoo! The 59-year-old from Colorado was diagnosed with a respiratory condition known as ‘popcorn lung’ in 2007, after eating the microwave popcorn on an almost daily basis for a […]
Workers’ Memorial Day

On Saturday 28th April, unions and safety campaigners around the world will be marking Workers’ Memorial Day and remembering the two million men and women who die every year as a result of work-related accidents and diseases. In the UK over 20,000 people die prematurely every year as a result of injuries or accidents caused […]