Health and Safety Professionals Oppose Government Plans

One of the UK’s main health and safety bodies has reiterated its opposition to Government plans to deregulate areas of health and safety. The Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is opposed to a clause in the Government’s Deregulation Bill that exempts certain self-employed workers from health and safety law. The clause suggests that workers […]

Tackling work-related stress

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has launched a two year Europe-wide campaign to tackle stress at work. The prevalence of work-related stress in Europe is startling, says EU-OSHA. Its latest pan-European opinion poll revealed that 51% of workers find work-related stress to be common in their workplace and four in ten […]

Calls for urgent review of Fatal Accident Inquiries

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has renewed its call for a review of the Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) system in Scotland, following the publication of the FAI findings into the deaths of 16 men in the Miller Helicopter tragedy in the North Sea on 1st April 2009, In making the call, Grahame Smith, STUC General Secretary, commented that […]

Seriously injured people risk being short-changed

Severely injured people, forced to gamble with their compensation to cover the cost of future support, could face having their damages cut further under Government proposals. High-value damages payments are subject to a reduction to offset any interest that may be earned over time. Despite the fall in interest rates during the recession, the current […]