How Safe Are Scotland’s Roads?

Roads in Scotland are becoming safer, according to recently released statistics from Transport Scotland. The statistics cover reported road accidents where one or more people were killed or injured in 2013. Although the figured are only provisional (final figures are due to be published later in the year), the majority of the findings are encouraging for Scottish […]

Police crackdown on summer drink and drug driving

The Scottish police annual summer crackdown on drink and drug driving will take place from 4th to 18th June and will involve all eight of Scotland’s police forces. Chief Superintendent Derek Robertson of Lothian and Borders Police, road casualty reduction lead for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS), said: “During last summer’s […]

Charities launch fight-back against 80mph limits

A coalition of road safety and environmental organisations have launched a campaign protesting the government’s plans to increase speed limits on motorways to 80mph. The No to 80 coalition is highlighting the huge costs to society of the proposal, which it predicts will exceed £1 billion annually in economic terms, mean more families needlessly suffering […]

Christmas crackdown on drink and drug driving

As the festive party season approaches the road safety charity Brake has welcomed a police crackdown on drink and drug drivers.  Ellen Booth, Brake senior campaigns officer, said: “We fully support this vital crackdown on deadly and selfish drink and drug drivers. Every Christmas, and indeed every week of the year, many families are confronted […]

Accident death toll unacceptable price to pay for mobility

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for more to be done to improve road safety in a message issued in advance of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, which is to be observed on 20th November. The message reports that each day nearly 3,500 people die on the roads, tens of […]