Children, Not Adults, More Likely to be Injured in Road Traffic Accidents in Scotland

New research shows that child pedestrians in Scotland are much more likely to be injured in road traffic accidents than adults across the nation. Specifically, the recent study by Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH), shows that the risk for children is two-and-a-half times more than the risk for adults. The research also shows that child pedestrians […]
Road traffic accident fatalities fall across EU

The number of people dying in road traffic accidents across Europe fell by 9% in 2012, according to new figures released by the European Commission (EC). This drop means that the number of road traffic fatalities is now at its lowest level since the data was first collected. A landmark year for road safety Vice-President […]
Call to include work-related RTAs in official statistics
A health and safety body is urging the Government to incorporate work-related road traffic accidents into official statistics. The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) made the call on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. IOSH wants to see work-related RTAs recorded and recognised under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous […]
Six figure road traffic accident claim settled post-Damages (Scotland) Act 2011
Lawford Kidd’s Derek Carrigan has recently settled a road traffic accident claim, with the global settlement for the six pursuers amounting to £700,000. This is one of the most significant settlements following the commencement of the Damages (Scotland) Act 2011, which came into force earlier this year on 7 July 2011. To speak to Derek […]
Call for employers to help reduce work-related road deaths
A health and safety body has urged employers to do more to reduce the worrying number of work-related road traffic accidents (RTA). The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) made the call after research it commissioned with TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) revealed that many companies are spending money on road safety strategies, with little […]
Scottish Safety Camera statistics
Scotland’s Chief Statistician has announced the release of Key Scottish Safety Camera Statistics 2010. This publication reports statistics relating to road traffic casualties and offences at safety camera sites (speed cameras and red-light cameras) in Scotland. The main findings are:
Drink drivers still a serious threat on Scotland’s roads
The latest figures released by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) have shown that the message to motorists about the dangers of driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs does not appear to be getting through. As part of ACPOS’ annual summer campaign, police forces across Scotland have been carrying […]
Government cracks down on uninsured drivers
Motorists are being warned to insure their vehicles ahead of a new crackdown to tackle the menace of uninsured driving and reduce the number of road traffic accidents. Under the new Continuous Insurance Enforcement law – which will affect all motorists from 20th June – it is an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle, rather […]