Luxury Cars “More Likely” to be involved in Road Traffic Accident

A new study has revealed that luxury vehicles are more likely to be involved in road traffic accidents than Smart cars and other similar models. According to the latest data, Smart cars have the lowest “at fault” insurance claim rate out of any model. Between July 2014 and June 2015, vehicles such as the Smart car only registered 78.6 […]

Road Traffic Accidents: Have Yourself a Cautious Little Christmas

Whilst Santa’s sleigh has the luxury of open sky and a set of trusty reindeer (including one red nosed fellow) to make sure he stays on course, for many of us, Christmas presents a real danger. Thousands take to the icy roads to navigate their way to social events, nativity plays whilst running the risk of a […]

Road traffic accident fatalities fall across EU

The number of people dying in road traffic accidents across Europe fell by 9% in 2012, according to new figures released by the European Commission (EC). This drop means that the number of road traffic fatalities is now at its lowest level since the data was first collected. A landmark year for road safety Vice-President […]

Government to overhaul young driver rules

Young drivers could benefit from improved training and lower insurance premiums as the government confirmed its intention to launch a green paper on improving the safety and reducing risks to young drivers. Among the proposals being considered are: The government is also considering the possibility of imposing temporary restrictions on newly qualified drivers and further […]

Six figure road traffic accident claim settled post-Damages (Scotland) Act 2011

Lawford Kidd’s Derek Carrigan has recently settled a road traffic accident claim, with the global settlement for the six pursuers amounting to £700,000. This is one of the most significant settlements following the commencement of the Damages (Scotland) Act 2011, which came into force earlier this year on 7 July 2011. To speak to Derek […]

Higher risk of accidents on UK roads

Europe’s largest organisation of engineers, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), says the loss of focus brought about by the removal of road safety targets could lead to more road traffic accidents in different parts of the country. Targets set in 2000 by the government led directly to a fall in road deaths of […]