What should I do if I have a slip, trip or fall accident?

The winter season brings a great deal more of a certain type of accident – slips, trips and falls. More than a third of all accidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive are as a result of slips and trips. Slippery pavements, wet shop floors and dark nights all make leaving your home slightly more dangerous. […]

Woman compensated after slipping in bank

The Royal Bank of Scotland has been found liable for an injury sustained by a woman who slipped on a wet floor in one of its branches in Edinburgh, reports the BBC. Patricia O’Donnell, who sustained a soft tissue injury to her ankle that left her unable to work for three weeks, was awarded £7,500 […]

Substantial damages awarded following slips

A customer who slipped on a grape while shopping in an Asda store in Peterborough has been awarded £10,500 in damages, reports the Telegraph. Asda was also ordered by the court to pay £18,000 in legal costs. The Telegraph also reports on a similar case involving a teacher, who slipped on a grape that had […]