Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry Process to be Modernised

Discretionary Fatal Accident Inquiries (FAIs) for circumstances in which a Scottish person dies abroad and their body is repatriated to Scotland are to be allowed for the first time across the nation, following the introduction of The Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths etc. (Scotland) Bill. While the decision whether or not to hold an FAI […]
What should I do if I have a slip, trip or fall accident?

The winter season brings a great deal more of a certain type of accident – slips, trips and falls. More than a third of all accidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive are as a result of slips and trips. Slippery pavements, wet shop floors and dark nights all make leaving your home slightly more dangerous. […]
Report Reveals Extent of Public Liability Accidents

Slips, trips and falls were by far the main cause of public liability accidents in Ireland in 2013, according to recent figures from the Irish Injuries Board. Over 1,700 public liability awards were made during the year, with total compensation awarded amounting to €44 million. The average public liability award rose year on year by almost […]