Man Loses Two Fingers in Workplace Accident

A Dundee worker lost two fingers when his hand was trapped in a veneer press in a workplace accident. James Doig had the two middle fingers of his right hand amputated after they were injured during an incident at Lam-Art Ltd. The Sheriff Court heard that although Mr Doig had experience and training in regards to using the […]

Injuries Board Reiterates the Importance of Workplace Safety

The Irish Injuries Board has recently released an analysis of 2013 workplace claims, which reveals that it awarded compensation of €24 million in respect of 826 claims for workplace accidents in 2013, compared to €22 million compensation for 807 awards in 2012. The average award for a workplace accident last year also increased from €27,286 in 2012 […]

Compensation for workplace accidents has published a review of workplace accidents in Ireland in 2011 that shows compensation totalling €22.5million (2010: €25.1million) was awarded in respect of 830 (2010: 889 awards) personal injury workplace claims. Accidents in the workplace accounted for 8.4% of all personal injury awards in 2011, compared to 11% of all awards in 2010. The […]

HSE proposals ‘put business profits before workers’ safety’

Workers could be at risk of recurring injury in a proposed trade-off against business costs, a not-for-profit campaign group has warned. The warning came after the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) closed its consultation on proposals to amend the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) with the aim of employers only having […]

Vibration White Finger Update

Vibration White Finger injuries have been minimised in Scotland amongst workers using Vibrating Power Tools on M74 Glasgow Link. For advice on all aspects of vibration white finger & HAVs in Scotland contact us 0800 027 1480. Injuries from HAVS (which can result in substantial claims) have been reduced by the introduction of the HAV […]

Workplace Accidents and Ill Health in Scotland

The National Audit Office have published a report confirming that workplace accidents and ill health in Scotland resulted in 2.5 million working days last year. The cost was around £187,000,000. For free initial advice on all aspects of workplace accidents contact us on 0800 027 1480. The Audit Office looked at the work of Health […]