Lawford Kidd's Blog

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Poor head restraints increase the risk of whiplash injuries

Hundreds of thousands of whiplash injuries could be prevented each year with better head restraints and seats in UK cars, according to Axa Insurance.

The company carried out research, in conjunction with motor research organisation Thatcham, into the cars on the UK's roads and estimates that only 34% have head restraints and seats that would be categorised as "good" when it comes to reducing the risk of the driver being the victim of whiplash injuries.

In the UK, 1600 claims for whiplash are made per day - 570,000 per year - costing the insurance industry £2bn per year in payouts. If 65% of these could be avoided through better head restraints and seats this could mean a reduction of 370,500 claims costing around £1.3bn.

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4010 Hits

New figures published for fatally injured workers

New official statistics have shown that the number of workers fatally injured in Britain last year remains largely unchanged.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released provisional data for April 2011 to March 2012, which shows 173 workers were killed - down two from the previous year.

The rate of fatal injury remains the same at 0.6 per 100,000 workers.

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2107 Hits

British road casualties increase

The Department for Transport has published statistics showing that in 2011 more people died or were injured in reported accidents on British roads than in the previous year.

In particular:

• The annual number of people killed in road accidents reported to the police has increased by 3%, from 1,850 in 2010 to 1,901 in 2011. This is the first increase since 2003.

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2194 Hits

Final expert report on PiP breast implants published

The NHS Medical Director’s expert group, which has been looking at PiP breast implants, has published its final report.

The findings of the group include:

  • Exhaustive world-wide testing of the PiP gel material has not revealed anything which could cause a long-term threat to human health – they are not toxic nor carcinogenic.
  • They do, however, have a higher rupture rate – around two times higher. The rate of rupture appears to be around six to 12% after five years, rising to 15 to 30% after 10 years (this compares to 10-14% after 10 years for other brands of implants).
  • PiP implants have a higher concentration of certain compounds called siloxanes – chemically similar to silicone but of a lower molecular weight and found in many consumer products, including hair and skin care products, antiperspirants and deodorants – but this does not present a health risk.
  • Although the contents are not harmful and the gel has not been shown to contain any toxic substances, the inferior mechanical strength of the implants led the group to consider this a substandard product.

The expert group has said that the advice to women who have PiP implants remains unchanged. It is expected that all providers of PIP implants will contact their patients. If women are unsure of the make of their implant they should contact their surgeon or provider.

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4889 Hits

HSE serves Improvement Notice on Edinburgh cooling tower

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has served an Improvement Notice on an Edinburgh company for alleged failures to adequately control the risk of legionella in a cooling tower.

The Notice was served for a failure to devise and implement a sustained and effective biocide control programme in one cooling tower.

HSE visited the company as part of an ongoing investigation into a Legionnaires disease outbreak in South West Edinburgh. Visits to other companies are ongoing.

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