Personal Injury Law Scotland

Expert claims & compensation solicitors. We can help you if you have suffered an accident or injury in Scotland. Call us on 0808 258 1233 or fill in our online contact form.

Manual handling accidents - a major cause of occupational injury in the UK

Manual handling accidents remain one of the main causes of occupational injury within the UK. More than a third of all three day injuries reported each year to the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities are caused by manual handling.

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Road Traffic Accidents - Reported Road Casualties in Scotland

The Scottish Executive's Report on Road Casualties in Scotland 2009

9,570 casualties in cars, 116 of whom died.

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Accidents at work - Health and Safety Executive Statistics

In 2009/10 there were 23 fatal injuries to workers in Scotland, 2,548 reported major injuries to employees and 7992 over 3 day injuries to employees.

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Civil Jury Trials in Scotland

A civil jury at the High Court in Edinburgh decided that the MOD should pay £90,000 to a Royal Marine’s mother and £60,000 to his sister.  Joe Windall died when his Nimrod plane exploded on 2nd September 2006. 
A number of claimants raised court actions and Joe Windall’s case went before a jury.
You may have read stories in the news about the awards by the jury and wondered what part jury trials play in Scots Law.

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The Price of Success

The health and safety statistics for 2010 show that although construction accounts for 4% of the employees in Britain, 7% of reported injuries happen to employees in the construction sector.

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Motor Accident Solicitors Society