Lawford Kidd's Blog

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Workplace Accidents and Ill Health in Scotland

The National Audit Office have published a report confirming that workplace accidents and ill health in Scotland resulted in 2.5 million working days last year. The cost was around £187,000,000.

For free initial advice on all aspects of workplace accidents contact us on 0800 027 1480.

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Civil Jury Trials in Scotland

A civil jury at the High Court in Edinburgh decided that the MOD should pay £90,000 to a Royal Marine’s mother and £60,000 to his sister.  Joe Windall died when his Nimrod plane exploded on 2nd September 2006. 
A number of claimants raised court actions and Joe Windall’s case went before a jury.
You may have read stories in the news about the awards by the jury and wondered what part jury trials play in Scots Law.

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8896 Hits

A Step Too Far

This article first appeared in the Law Society Journal on December 9th, 2009

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice welcomed Lord Gill’s report in the Scottish Parliament by describing it as “hard hitting” and “the first system wide review in modern times”. The writer concurs in his appreciation of the work carried out by the review team; but questions whether two major proposals would improve access to justice.

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