Lawford Kidd's Blog

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IAM Calls for Greater Traffic Education

Traffic education should become an integral part of the National Curriculum, in an effort to cut the numbers of young people killed and injured on UK roads, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has said.

The call ties in with a survey by the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile), which found that only seven of 15 European countries had mandatory traffic education in schools.

Although the numbers of people killed and injured on UK roads have been steadily decreasing for many years, the rate of decrease has been slowing down recently.

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1784 Hits

IOSH Recommends New Safety Measures to Prevent Employees Falling from Height

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has strongly recommended the implementation of a chain of controls at all times in the workplace, to ensure the avoidance of accidents involving people falling through 'doors to nowhere'.

The issue has been highlighted by IOSH after two recent serious incidents in which people fell after walking through doors without realising there was a sudden drop or void on the other side.

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1636 Hits

Drivers Risk Lives to Correct Sat-Nav Mistakes

As many as one in seven (15%) drivers who use a sat-nav admit making illegal or risky manoeuvres to correct mistakes when following sat-nav instructions, putting themselves and other road users at risk of a devastating crash.

The survey by road safety charity Brake and Direct Line also found that:

  • one in 14 (7%) drivers have had a near miss, having to swerve or brake suddenly to avoid a hazard, because they were distracted by a sat-nav (rising to one in 10 (11%) among young drivers (17-24);
  • one in 14 (7%) drivers also admit to having a similar near miss because they were fiddling with their stereo (rising to one in 10 (11%) among young drivers (17-24)).

Through its drive smart campaign, Brake is calling on all drivers to make a new year’s resolution to stay alert and keep their mind and eyes on the road. Research shows almost everyone is unable to multi-task at the wheel without driving performance being badly affected. Carry out a secondary activity and you’re two to three times more likely to crash: more for complex activities like talking on a phone or texting.

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1595 Hits

Deck the Halls With Caution This Christmas

Christmas is around the corner, however for many the time for festive cheer turns into a time of disaster with Christmas proving to be more lethal than expected for some.

Whilst standing on baubles or tumbling Christmas trees may be something only associated with Home Alone at Christmas, according to figures from the NHS more than 80,000 people end up with an unwanted visit to A&E, with accidents ranging from exploding fairy lights to serious illness from their turkey dinner.

Safety Tips for Christmas

Last year almost 1,500 people ended up injured due to their tree, either when initially decorating it or throughout the festive period. Estimates show that 1,000 people are injured each year when putting up their Christmas tree, with over stretching to decorate high branches, poorly placed ladders leading to a fall, or trees falling on people proving to be some of the most common reasons for obtaining injuries. Other injuries come from electrical shocks and non-artificial trees or throughout the rest of the holiday season.

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2308 Hits

Road Traffic Accidents: Have Yourself a Cautious Little Christmas

Whilst Santa's sleigh has the luxury of open sky and a set of trusty reindeer (including one red nosed fellow) to make sure he stays on course, for many of us, Christmas presents a real danger. Thousands take to the icy roads to navigate their way to social events, nativity plays whilst running the risk of a serious accident on Britain's roads.

With Christmas parties, office get-togethers and an increase in alcohol consumption, not to mention the hazardous weather, Christmas can be a very dangerous time to take to the road with accidents rising throughout the festive period.

Winter Weather

Frosty conditions mean that driving can be more difficult with ice and snow giving drivers less control over their vehicle. Allowing extra time before setting off to your destination, keeping a close eye on speed and winter tyres can help reduce the number of road accidents over Christmas. The festive period is one of the worst times for accidents across the UK, with a combination of drinking and dangerous conditions making it a lethal time on the roads. Wintery conditions result in reduced vision for drivers, with commuters being encouraged to take their time when setting off. If you are involved in an accident it is crucial that you take as much detail as you can to be able to prove that the incident was a result of negligent driving.

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1875 Hits

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