Lawford Kidd's Blog

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UK Farmers Urged to Review Health & Safety Measures

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS) have together urged farmers to review their safety measures and take extra care following an inquiry into the death of Lauder farmer, Jim Sharp.

Mr Sharp, who was 66, was tragically killed earlier this year in an accident at Newbigging Walls Farm, after he became entangled with a sweep auger in a grain silo.

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1761 Hits

Black Friday/Cyber Monday – The Dangers of Online Impulse Buys

Now that the virtual dust has settled from Black Friday and Cyber Monday and the feelings of buyer’s remorse are beginning to take hold while our orders are steadily processed, it is perhaps prudent to examine the process of online sales and exactly what our online purchasing rights are in relation to them.

UK citizens are among the biggest online shoppers, with an estimated £810m spent online by British shoppers on Friday, according to internet retail experts IMRG. The results showed that 59.8% of all UK web traffic on Black Friday came from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The figures also show that the UK experienced a record year for the two days, with online sales increasing by 91% on Black Friday and 22% on Cyber Monday compared with last year. Interestingly, IMB analytics found that over half of the UK's entire online traffic on Black Friday came from mobile devices, meaning that shoppers were committing to record amounts of sales on small, difficult to read in detail, mobile platforms.

Where did this commercial phenomenon come from?

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  1805 Hits
1805 Hits

What should I do if I have a slip, trip or fall accident?

The winter season brings a great deal more of a certain type of accident – slips, trips and falls. More than a third of all accidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive are as a result of slips and trips. Slippery pavements, wet shop floors and dark nights all make leaving your home slightly more dangerous. Although such falls may seem minor, a serious one may leave you seriously injured and even with lasting effect. Whilst some of the incidents are genuine accidents for which no one can be blamed, often they are caused by carelessness or negligence on the part of someone with a legal responsibility to prevent them. In the latter circumstance, the injured party may have a right to receive compensation and recover the cost of loss of earnings and any medical treatment required.

What should I do if I have suffered a slip, trip or fall injury?

In order to have the best chance of success in reclaiming compensation, there are some things you can do.

Record the Accident - If you are seriously injured you should make sure you receive medical attention as soon as possible. Otherwise, you should report the incident to the person responsible and log it in the accident book if possible.

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1683 Hits

Compensation for Victims of Asbestos Related Cancer

More than £15 million has been paid out so far in the first seven months of a new compensation scheme for victims of diffuse mesothelioma.

However, the Department for Work and Pensions says there are hundreds more victims who may be eligible for compensation and is calling for them to come forward, estimating that £32 million could be paid out by the end of March 2015.

Diffuse mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of internal organs, such as the lungs, and almost always arises from exposure to asbestos. Life expectancy from diagnosis is eight to nine months on average.

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  1743 Hits
1743 Hits

All Change for Personal Injury Cases in Scotland?

The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) has published a report on the responses it received to a consultation on the use of pre-action protocols in personal injury cases.

Pre-action protocols involve procedures, which take place involving both parties to the personal injury claim before court proceedings are raised, which will establish whether the settlement can be achieved without the need for litigation.

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  1991 Hits
1991 Hits

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