Sheriff Principal James Taylor has recently published his much anticipated report on the system of expenses and funding of civil litigation in Scotland. The report contains a number of recommendations for far-reaching changes to the current system, some of which relate directly to the personal injury claims process.
The need for a review of expenses and funding of civil litigation in Scotland was initially highlighted by the then Lord Justice Clerk, the Rt. Hon. Lord Gill, in his report of the Scottish Civil Courts Review. The recommendation was taken up in March 2011 when Sheriff Principal Taylor, a member of the Board of the Scottish Civil Courts Review, was asked to conduct the review by the then Minister for Community Safety, Fergus Ewing MSP.
The Review was extensive, and included 57 meetings, a fact finding visit and a public consultation exercise. It has resulted in a report described by the Scottish Government as “thorough and meticulous,” which puts forward a number of radical and substantial changes to the current system, and sets out 85 recommendations to put these into practice.