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Compensation for workplace accidents has published a review of workplace accidents in Ireland in 2011 that shows compensation totalling €22.5million (2010: €25.1million) was awarded in respect of 830 (2010: 889 awards) personal injury workplace claims.

Accidents in the workplace accounted for 8.4% of all personal injury awards in 2011, compared to 11% of all awards in 2010. The decrease in the number of claims for workplace accidents last year reflects the reduced numbers in employment during the period.

Key findings of the review include:

  • Men are twice as likely as women to receive an award for a workplace accident - accounting for 70% of all awards (2010: 75%) versus 30% of awards to women (2010: 25%). However, the number of women receiving awards has increased by 5% due to their increased presence in the workforce during the recession.
  • Men received an average compensation award of €27,246 (2010: €28,924) compared to €26,771 (2010: €25,876) for women.
  • Thursday is deemed the most dangerous workday while Sunday is considered the safest, due to the smaller proportion of people in the workplace at weekends.
  • November is the most dangerous month for workplace accidents, while April is the safest.
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1995 Hits

Girl awarded compensation for car crash injuries

A young girl who suffered severe injuries after she was involved in a car crash has been awarded a compensation payment worth millions of pounds, reports the Daily Mail.

Cerys Edwards, who is now six-years-old, was only a baby when her family's car was hit head-on by a car being driven on the wrong side of the road at 70mph in a 30mph zone. The accident caused major injuries to Cerys's brain and spine. She is now paralysed, unable to talk, reliant on a ventilator and requires 24-hour care.

According to the Daily Mail, the judge, in what he described as the “saddest' case he had ever come across, awarded Cerys a lump sum of just under £5 million, plus annual payments of £450,000 for the rest of her life.

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4153 Hits

Woman compensated after slipping in bank

The Royal Bank of Scotland has been found liable for an injury sustained by a woman who slipped on a wet floor in one of its branches in Edinburgh, reports the BBC.

Patricia O'Donnell, who sustained a soft tissue injury to her ankle that left her unable to work for three weeks, was awarded £7,500 at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

The wet floor had been caused by a leak coming from an upstairs flat. The leak had been happening for a number of months, and bank staff had tried to contain it by placing a bucket undeneath the drips.

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