Lawford Kidd's Blog

Expert claims & compensation solicitors. We can help you if you have suffered an accident or injury in Scotland. Call us on 0808 258 1233 or fill in our online contact form.

The Price of Success

The health and safety statistics for 2010 show that although construction accounts for 4% of the employees in Britain, 7% of reported injuries happen to employees in the construction sector.

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  5857 Hits
5857 Hits

What does 100% compensation actually mean?

If your claim is successful the insurers will pay a sum of money in settlement.  For example for a whiplash injury they might pay £2500.

You will then receive that sum in your hand and there will be no deductions for legal costs.

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  4492 Hits
4492 Hits

A Step Too Far

This article first appeared in the Law Society Journal on December 9th, 2009

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice welcomed Lord Gill’s report in the Scottish Parliament by describing it as “hard hitting” and “the first system wide review in modern times”. The writer concurs in his appreciation of the work carried out by the review team; but questions whether two major proposals would improve access to justice.

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  2201 Hits
2201 Hits

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Motor Accident Solicitors Society