Lawford Kidd's Blog

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New Construction Guide Published to Prevent Injuries

A new guide has been published by construction experts to encourage better management at construction sites and reduce the number of accidents on construction sites.

It is hoped that not only will the guide reduce the number of accidents, but also minimise the number of occupational diseases that affect hundreds of construction workers every week.

Workplace Accidents and Occupational Illness: Construction UK

Despite numerous efforts from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and safety campaigners, the construction industry is still a dangerous sectors to work in the UK with one of the highest numbers of fatal and serious accidents each year. Sadly a large number of these accidents are as a result of poor management and a failure to comply with health and safety guidance.  

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  1910 Hits
1910 Hits

Under What Circumstances can you make a Weather Related Accident Claim?

It seems the winter season has arrived, and unfortunately it brings weather related accidents with it. In the winter time, far more people suffer accidents as a result of wet or icy roads and pavements. However, it may be possible to claim compensation for such accidents even if the weather is to blame. In this post we look at in what circumstances you will be able to make a personal injury claim for  a weather related accident.

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  1988 Hits
1988 Hits

Increase in Serious Injuries for Scottish Cyclists

A new map plotting cyclist accident hotspots has revealed the most dangerous areas for vulnerable road users to use.

The statistics, which come from Transport Scotland reveal the most likely places for fatal and serious injuries with the study revealing a mixed success rate. This year has seen a significant reduction in the number of fatal accidents involving cyclists . However, there has been a slight increase in the number of cyclists seriously injured.

Last year eight cyclists lost their lives on Scotland’s roads, a substantial drop of 38.5% from the previous year however almost 900 cyclists were seriously injured, indicating a slight rise of 0.5%.

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  1883 Hits
1883 Hits

Stay Safe This Bonfire Night - Fireworks Cause Serious Injuries

Every year, thousands of people all over the UK gather together and use fireworks to celebrate a special occasion, the most prominent of which being bonfire night. Although we associate fireworks and bonfire night with sparkle and spectacle, it is important to be aware of the dangers too. Regardless of whether you are visiting a local display, a friends display or even putting on your own, you must make safety a priority to minimise the risk of fireworks injuries.

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  1821 Hits
1821 Hits

Ladders and Asbestos Top Priorities for IOSH

Choosing the right ladder type and being educated as to the dangers of asbestos are both crucial to UK worker safety, according to the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health.

A recent IOSH event explained that workers should learn the importance of choosing the most suitable ladder for each specific job.

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  1533 Hits
1533 Hits

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