Lawford Kidd's senior partner, David Sandison, has written to the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament expressing his concern that the Bill is unfair to those making a personal injury claim and denies them access to expert personal injury advice. The new Bill proposes that permission to instruct an Advocate will only be automatically granted when the value of the case exceeds £150,000. This is, as David says, "clearly unacceptable.". The full text of his letter is below.
Court Reform (Scotland) Bill 2014
I am writing as senior partner of Lawford Kidd, and accredited personal injury specialist recognised both by the Law Society of Scotland and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers. I was also involved with the Civil Justice Committee of the Law Society in connection with their submission on the Bill.
I wanted to draw the Justice Committee’s attention to one specific aspect of the Bill and that relates to the sanction of counsel (either advocate or solicitor advocate), in the Sheriff Court under the new court structure.